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There are two ways to use Kongponents in your project: globally register all Kongponents via a Vue plugin, or register individual Kongponents as needed.

Regardless of which method you choose you will also need to import the Kongponents CSS into your project (Vite does not currently support CSS in JS when building in library mode).

The easiest place to import the package styles is inside your Vue entry file (e.g. main.ts).

Vue Plugin

If you plan to use a majority of the Kongponent components, you can import the package and register all Kongponents as a Vue Plugin and make them globally available in your app.

This method is only ideal if you are using a majority of the Kongponents in your project, as the unused components will not be tree-shaken.

// main.ts (or Vue entry file)

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import Kongponents from '@kong/kongponents'

// Import Kongponents styles
import '@kong/kongponents/dist/style.css'

const app = createApp(App)

// Install and register all Kongponents as a plugin


Using in Nuxt

The majority of components are SSR-compatible so there is no extra configuration needed for using Kongponents in Nuxt or a server-side rendered project.

// plugins/kongponents.ts

// Import the Kongponents Vue plugin
import Kongponents from '@kong/kongponents'
// Import Kongponents styles
import '@kong/kongponents/dist/style.css'
// In some NodeJS environments, the `crypto` module is not available by default, so import it and make it available on the server
import crypto from 'node:crypto'

export default defineNuxtPlugin({
  name: 'kongponents',
  setup(nuxtApp) {
    // Inject the crypto module into the global scope if it is not already available
    if (import.meta.server && typeof globalThis?.crypto === 'undefined') {
      globalThis.crypto = globalThis.crypto || crypto
    // Initialize the Kongponents Vue plugin

Individual components

Alternatively, you can import and register just the components you intend to use.

Import and registration can be done individually in the app entry file (e.g. main.ts) or within the parent component.

Global Registration

// main.ts (or Vue entry file)

// Kongponents rely on vue-bind-once directive to work properly
// The Kongponents bundle includes the vue-bind-once package so you won't need to install it separately, but it does need to be registered
import { BindOncePlugin } from 'vue-bind-once'
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { KButton } from '@kong/kongponents'
import '@kong/kongponents/dist/style.css'
// If using Vue-CLI and webpack, you can likely use
// this path instead: import '~@kong/kongponents/dist/style.css'

const app = createApp(App)

// Register the vue-bind-once directive as a Vue Plugin

// Register an individual Kongponent
app.component('KButton', KButton)


In-Component Registration

<script lang="ts">
// YourComponent.vue

import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { KButton } from '@kong/kongponents'
// Import Kongponents styles here, or in the <style> block
import '@kong/kongponents/dist/style.css'
// If using Vue-CLI and webpack, you can likely use
// this path instead: import '~@kong/kongponents/dist/style.css'

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'YourComponent',
  components: { KButton },

/* Import Kongponents styles here, or in the <script> tag */
@import '@kong/kongponents/dist/style.css';
/* If using Vue-CLI and webpack, you can likely use
this path instead: import '~@kong/kongponents/dist/style.css' */

When using Kongponents individually like this you will still need to register vue-bind-once plugin. Please refer to global registration section for example.

TypeScript interfaces


This step is only a suggestion for apps that globally register Kongponents. If you import components individually in the components where they are being used, this is not needed.

If you globally register components in your app (via the Vue Plugin or one-by-one) you should modify your host application to register the global components for TypeScript hinting throughout your app.

In your host app, create an new declaration file src/global-components.d.ts with the following contents:

// Import the Kongponents GlobalComponents interface
import '@kong/kongponents/dist/types/global-components'

// Feel free to add your host app's other globally registered components as needed
import type YourGlobalComponent from './components/YourGlobalComponent.vue'

declare module '@vue/runtime-core' {
  // Add all host app globally-registered components
  export interface GlobalComponents {
    YourGlobalComponent: typeof YourGlobalComponent

Next, ensure the tsconfig.json of your host application is set up to properly include your global-components.d.ts file. It should look something like this:

  "compilerOptions": {
    // your settings
  "include": [
    // other include rules


Kongponents sources all icons from @kong/icons library. If you wish to use standalone icons in your project, please refer to the @kong/icons documentation for instructions.

Released under the Apache-2.0 License.